Dispelling the Myths Surrounding Suboxone: A Comprehensive Perspective on Opiate Addiction Treatment

By: Andrew Weimer, M.ED, LCDC II and Executive Director of Caritas Treatment and Wellness Center

As an advocate for effective addiction treatment, I believe it is crucial to dispel common myths surrounding the use of Suboxone in treating opiate addiction. Authored by Peter Grinspoon, MD, this insightful article addresses five prevalent misconceptions that hinder individuals from seeking this life-saving treatment.

1. Redefining Recovery:

In challenging a pervasive myth, the article debunks the notion that one isn't truly in recovery while using Suboxone. In the world of addiction care, however, Suboxone is acknowledged as a pivotal instrument in harmonizing brain chemistry. The shift is to discard outdated stigmatization and recognize addiction as a medical condition. Comparing Suboxone to insulin for diabetes management, we emphasize the medical reality of effective addiction treatment.

Choosing medication for opioid addiction mirrors the decision to use medication for conditions like heart disease or diabetes—it is not an exchange of one addictive substance for another. When administered correctly, this medication does not instigate a new addiction; rather, it facilitates the management of addiction, allowing individuals to sustain the benefits of their recovery journey. Buprenorphine, a key component in this approach, serves as a valuable medication in the treatment of opioid addiction.

2. Adrressing Misuse Concerns:

Communities believe that people frequently misuse Suboxone. And the reality is that while acknowledging the potential for misuse, it's crucial to understand that Suboxone, as a partial agonist, induces less euphoria than traditional opiates. Our commitment to enhancing accessibility empowers individuals to seek appropriate treatment rather than resorting to self-treatment.

At Caritas Wellness and Treatment Center, we specialize in Suboxone® for opioid addiction, harnessing the power of buprenorphine to alleviate cravings. Should cravings persist, our dedicated medical staff stands ready to adjust medications or explore alternative methods to effectively mitigate cravings.

The primary benefits of buprenorphine include:

  • Safe Usage: Properly taken, the risk of overdosing on buprenorphine is minimal.

  • Long-Lasting Impact: Buprenorphine is long-acting, offering sustained effects without major side effects or the euphoria associated with traditional opiates.

QUICK TIP: At Caritas, we support Medically Assisted Treatment (MAT). Discover how to get the support you need by learning more about our programs.

3. Overdose Risk Clarified:

People often think that it is as easy to overdose on Suboxone as it is with other opiates.

But the truth is that Suboxone's partial agonist nature establishes a built-in ceiling effect, significantly reducing the risk of overdose compared to potent opiates. 

Overdoses typically occur when combined with other substances that suppress breathing, highlighting the importance of responsible usage. Discover what’s happening with drug overdoses in Cuyahoga County

4. Validating Suboxone as Standalone Treatment:

Those think that Suboxone isn't a treatment for addiction if you aren't getting therapy along with it. Well, the reality is while ideal addiction treatment includes various components, Suboxone alone has proven effective. Recognizing healthcare system flaws and provider shortages, we must prioritize access to Suboxone as a valid and impactful standalone treatment.

If you are addicted, medication allows you to regain a normal state of mind, free of drug-induced highs and lows. It frees you from thinking all the time about the drug. It can reduce problems of withdrawal and craving. Learn more about medication for opioid addiction.

5. Long-Term Use Considerations:

Lastly, communities sometimes believe that Suboxone should only be taken for a short period of time. The truth? Dismissing arbitrary timelines, the duration of Suboxone treatment should align with patient preferences. Comparable to managing diabetes with insulin, Suboxone maintenance for the long term has demonstrated efficacy.

In combating the opioid epidemic, eliminating stigma is paramount. Our societal perception must shift from viewing addiction as a moral failing to recognizing it as a complex disease. Dispelling myths and embracing evidence-based treatments, such as Suboxone, is a pivotal step toward compassionate and effective addiction care. As we navigate these evolving perspectives, let us prioritize understanding, empathy, and accessibility to ensure comprehensive and lifesaving addiction treatment for all.

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Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT): A Comprehensive Approach at Caritas Treatment and Wellness Center


Navigating the Opioid Crisis: Rationale, Science, and Dispelling Myths